Citizen wake up!

Citizen wake up!
Within SEiSMiC (Societal Engagement in Science, Mutual learning in Cities) our project “Diritto di Accesso civico” aims at promoting the culture of trasparency and accountability of the Public Sector.
Our goal is to train those who communicate in the Public Sector to provide good information about services and public spending.
Our research field is Public Sector Information on projects financed with public funds, in particular with European Structural and Investment Funds (ESIF).
Our project is a lab for open data use and a writing lab whose main tools are blog posts, infographics and other texts.
We engage in the municipalities in order to take information to be organized in open data and information sheets on public spending on services, for example the separate collection of waste and public transport services, for example the metro.
Thus we promote the culture of accessibility to public information for civic and data journalism.